What’s new!
The Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s leading newspaper,
There is an article introducing the current situation of Nagaoka Zen Juku.
Young Japanese people are losing interest in Japanese spirituality.
Kyoto: Zen Buddhism Training Hall Short of Resident Students
This Is Why I Recommend You to Practice at Nagaoka Zen Juku
By Francisco Figueroa Medina
Nagaoka Zen Juku is an ideal place for you to taste Zen Buddhism, while pursuing your studies at a University or at a Japanese Language School. At Nagaoka Zen Juku, you will be able to learn how to do zazen, how to chant sutras, how to perform the daily rituals, and how to do the daily chores (to clean the precincts, to grow vegetables, and to cook, etc.), according to the Zen monastic rules. Moreover, you will be able to attend Kitano Rōshi’s lectures on the Zen Classics and to study kōan under his guidance. Please, do not be mistaken. Your studies will not hinder your Zen practice or vice versa. If you carry on with it, you will be able to confirm through your own experience how all the elements that conform zen practice at Nagaoka Zen Juku and your own studies work together for you to arouse the doubt on the great matter of life and death.
Happiness hides in the Middle (By Philip Jordan ’85)
MY SESSHIN IMPRESIONS (written by Marcos Monroy)
Introduction of Nagaoka Zen Juku
2-12-1 Tenjin Nagaokakyo-shi Kyoto-prefecture, JAPAN
E-mail: kitano@nagaokazenjuku.or.jp