公益財団法人 長岡禅塾 公式ホームページ

Application Procedure

1.All applicants must read the information on our website thoroughly before applying. Submission of an application
indicates that you have read and understood the life of Zen Juku in full and agree to comply with the policies
and procedures outlines.

2.Fill out and submit the Application Form and resume by email.

3.Regardless of the results, applicants will be notified by email from Zen Juku. Notification will be no earlier
than one week in advance.

4.Approved applicants will receive an invitation to submit the following documents:

・Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility
 ・Photocopy of your passport
 ・Photocopy of the letter of acceptance from your Japanese university, language/culture institute
 ・Health Certificate
 ・University Diploma or Transcript

体験入塾をしてみませんか! TEL 075-951-1010 受付時間11:00-18:00

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