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MY SESSHIN IMPRESIONS (written by Marcos Monroy)

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  • MY SESSHIN IMPRESIONS (written by Marcos Monroy)



Marcos Monroy (from Mexico)


After 4 years I’m back at Nagaoka Zen Juku. This time for a 3 weeks short stay in order to attend the Rohatsu Sesshin. Gladly I can tell that I had a very satisfying experience again.


Although, in this Sesshin I was the only foreigner attending and had some hard times remembering all the details, with the support and guidance of the other participants I got through it. It was motivating to meet people who shares the same passion for Zen as I do, specially young people.


Sesshin is always tough for the body. There’s a full itinerary from 4 am to 10 pm for 7 days. Personally, sitting in Seiza for long periods was the most difficult part. But that did not stop me, because through Zazen and becoming one with the Koans, my mind and heart gets more focused, feeling more aware of each moment and action I make in my  life.


I’m totally convinced that studying Zen philosophy and practicing Zazen helps me reaching a better perspective of my daily life. I hope that more new generations can have this experience, it will help to shape a better world in this uncertain times.

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